Coffee Evolution: The trends that dominated 2023!

Coffee Evolution: The trends that dominated 2023!
If you’re a true coffee enthusiast, it’s time to take a look at the background of 2023, a year that has seen the world of coffee transform with new trends and exciting innovations. Let’s discover together what made the past year so unique in the world of our beloved black nectar!

1. Specialty Coffee Growing: The Revolution of Excellence
The Specialty Coffee movement is gaining ground. Consumers are looking for more sophisticated coffee experiences, with a greater focus on sourcing, roasting techniques and bean varieties. Be captivated by the uncompromising variety and quality.

2. Innovative Extraction Methods
New frontiers have opened with the introduction of innovative extraction methods. From cold immersion to the use of state-of-the-art equipment, baristas and coffee lovers have experimented with new ways to extract unique and rich flavors.

3. Functional Café
Coffee is not just a morning drink, but is becoming a platform to integrate functional ingredients. With the addition of superfoods such as medicinal mushrooms, proteins and other nutrients, coffee becomes a drink that nourishes both the body and mind.

4. Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Environmental awareness is at the heart of new coffee trends. Consumers are increasingly attentive to sustainability, looking for brands that are committed to the production of coffee environmentally friendly and socially responsible.

5. The Art of Milk or Milk ART
The artistic decoration of coffee drinks is reaching incredible levels. From baristas who create works of art on cappuccino to milk lovers at home who try their hand at increasingly complex designs, coffee presentation has become an art form.

6. Coffee Mocktails and Fusion Drinks
Beverage hybridization is a growing trend. From mocktail coffees to coffee and tea hybrids, the coffee industry is exploring new territories of flavor.

7. The Revolution of Sustainable Capsules
With the increasing focus on waste reduction, sustainable coffee capsules are gaining popularity. Brands committed to reducing environmental impact are offering ecological alternatives without compromising coffee quality.

Explore and Enjoy Innovation!
The coffee of 2023 offered a compelling panorama of new trends and sensory adventures. Be ready in 2024 for an exciting journey through new trends and unique sensory adventures.  Stay up to date on all the news of the coffee world by following our blog and immerse yourself in the latest discoveries! Sip wisely and discover coffee in all its shades!

The Gambilongo Caffè team wishes all its customers a happy and fragrant New Year!


Gambilongo Caffè was born in the sixties from the passion and experience that, handed down from generation to generation, led the company to establish itself, from the outset, distinguishing itself for the quality of the products and services offered.

NB: All products available on the site are intended for sale to the public, excluding any retailer.

Gambilongo Caffè S.r.l. | PI: 02889690786 | REA n.cs-196685 | Cap. soc. € 10.000 i.v.

Via V. Bottego - C.da Lecco - 87036 Rende (CS)
(+39) 0984 402034


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